
get your shit together! Wills and estate planning.


Just a quick hello this morning my friends and loves. Many of us have already had our lives go sideways. Maybe you’ve tried to tell your friends and family how important it is that they have wills and other important, useful documents completed NOW, before they need them. And in response, you get the “yeah, I know. I know I need to get that done.” And then – they don’t. No one wants to think about a time when they might actually need this stuff. They move it to the bottom of the list, thinking if they avoid it, they can avoid – well, It.

Chanel at Get Your Shit Together has made this as painless and simple as it can possibly be. She’s got a live workshop coming up really soon. Please check it out. Then forward it to everyone who has ever rolled their eyes or given excuses when you remind them of how much this small act of kindness did, or would have, changed your life.


I know I’ve heard that “we know we should…” response over and over. How about you? Do your words fall on deaf ears, or have people in your life followed through? Tell us in the comments.